“The Universal Title” is a production of America Abroad Media in partnership with PRX and the Muhammad Ali Center


The series was written by Precious Rasheeda Muhammad, 

along with Ahmed Ali Akbar, Maggi Van Dorn and Aaron Lobel.

Our editor is Ahmed Ali Akbar.

Maggi Van Dorn is the Producer and Rosalind Tordesillas is the Associate Producer. 

Engineering from Douglas Robertson.

Post-production sound and mix by PRX Productions and Sandra Lopez-Monsalve

Cover art by Felicia Ann

The Executive Producers are Aaron Lobel, Farah Pandith and Precious Rasheeda Muhammad.

Special thanks to Zeenat Rahman and the Inclusive America Project at the Aspen Institute.


Support for this program has been provided by the Arthur Vining Davis Foundations, the Henry Luce Foundation, the El-Hibri Foundation, and the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates.


This program is distributed by PRX.